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When the inner wanderlust kicks in we found that Berlin has it all – shopping, architecture, Bauhaus and the odd monkey… STAY: Dreamy interiors care of who work with local carpenters, artists and designer to create playful spaces with a home from home vibe and breakfast to di... View Post
- Bath
- Berlin
- british design
- cashmere
- clothing
- cotton
- craft
- english
- englishweather
- ethical fashion
- fashion
- fern
- green
- handwoven
- heart home
- holidays
- inspiration
- london
- Looms
- Marion Foale
- merino
- Milsom place
- milsom street
- new
- origin 2011
- rental
- sale
- scarves
- seek and adore
- shawls
- silk
- socks
- spitalfields
- stoles
- sustainable clothing
- textiles
- throws
- weather
- weaving
- weaving workshops
- website
- wool
- workshops